What Is Modestfy?

When I decided I wanted to start dressing more modestly, I realized that not only would my wardrobe require a huge makeover, but I had no clue how to dress modestly yet still fashionable. I would see modest bloggers putting together outfits so effortlessly but questioned whether that would work on my body. I was unsure how I would be able to express myself, especially since I would be limiting my clothing options. MODESTFY, which is a combination of the words "modify" and "modesty" is all about that (sometimes) awkward transition phase. Going from T-shirt to long-sleeves or shorts to maxi skirts is not always an easy task, especially those who have been wearing t-shirt and shorts their whole lives. But guess what? No one, not even you, should expect drastic change overnight. Although it may be a struggle for some of us, the decision to dress more modestly, for God or just for yourself, is a beautiful one.
